Blister Plastic: Different Types of Plastic We Use

If you need blister packaging or clamshell packaging, the team at Indepak can create just about any type of custom plastic packaging you might need. Our facility includes multiple lines of high-speed thermoforming equipment and we can create packaging using many different types of blister plastic, including the following:


Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

We often get asked, what plastic is used for blister packaging? Polyethylene terephthalate, better known as PET, can be used as blister plastic as well as being used for items such as water bottles, clamshell packaging and more. PET is lightweight, inexpensive, impact-resistant and clear, which makes it an ideal material for blister packaging, clamshells and plastic bottles. If you have a product that you want consumers to see, PET can be a great option, because of its high level of clarity.

It’s approved both for food and beverage contact, as well as a packaging material for medical or pharmaceutical items. It also is BPA-free, and highly recyclable. In fact, PET is the most easily recyclable plastic in the United States, accepted by virtually every recycling program in the nation.

At Indepak, we can use PET, recycled PET and even PETG as a blister plastic for many packaging projects. PETG is glycol-modified PET, and while both types of PET are highly recyclable, PETG has a softer feel to it, which some of our customers prefer to PET. PETG is less brittle than PET, although traditional PET is less affected by UV rays.

PETG can be tricky to work with, but our production team has had extensive experience with this material. Our design team can help you decide if PET, PETG or another plastic is the best fit for your packaging project.


Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

PVC is a commonly used blister plastic, and it’s often used for single-dose medication blisters. In addition to being approved for use with medications, PVC also is approved for food packaging, although it’s not used as frequently as PET and other thermoform plastics. PVC also can be used for custom retail packaging, including custom blisters and point-of-purchase displays. PVC can be recycled, although it is not accepted by all curbside recycling programs.


Starch-Based Plastics

With starch-based biomaterials, we can create plastics using renewable resources. The biomaterials, known as polylactic acid or PLA, typically are made using corn starch or sugar cane. These plastics often are compostable, but in order for the composting process to be effective, these materials do need to be taken to a composting facility. Still, using renewable sources for your plastic packaging can be an attractive option to consider.


High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Ideal for use in many types of packaging. HDPE is highly impact-resistant, lightweight and affordable. HDPE is not clear, but it can be either translucent or opaque. Typically, it is used for packaging when you don’t necessarily need to see the product inside. Like, PET, HDPE is very recyclable, and is accepted by virtually all curbside recycling centers.

HDPE is approved for food contact and you’ll often see it used for milk jugs and other types of bottles. When it comes to retail products, it can be used to contain lotions, shampoos, laundry detergent, bleach and much more.

While it’s not often used as a blister plastic, it is highly recommended for use as bottles for over-the-counter medications, vitamins and pharmaceuticals, and when you add a desiccant, these bottles can be just as safe and moisture resistant as single-dose blister packs. If you are searching for options for your medical packaging, an HDPE bottle might be an affordable option to consider.


Polypropylene (PP)

This plastic, known as PP, is similar to HDPE in that it is more likely used to create medicine bottles and bottle caps than used as blister plastic. Still, if you are in the market for medicine-related packaging, PP might be a good option to consider, and we can help you figure out a solution that meets your needs as well as your budget.

PP commonly is used for food packaging and is approved for food contact and for medications. You often see this material used for bottles that contain ketchup, mustard or syrup or perhaps used to hold yogurt, butter or margarine. It also can be used to create clamshells for takeaway meals and deli items.


What Is A Blister?

There are many different types of blister packs. Single-dose medications often are placed in a blister with a foil or paper backing, but that that is not the only type of blister. A trap blister, for instance, is a common packaging option. For this, we “trap” a piece of blister plastic between two pieces of paper board, which are sealed together. The blister plastic is designed to fit around your product perfectly so that it both protects and displays the product.

There are several variations of this type of blister packaging. A face-seal blister, for example, is an excellent and affordable option for lightweight, inexpensive items. We create a custom plastic cavity for your product and seal it to a single card, rather than trapping it between two cards. Additionally, it might surprise you to learn that a clamshell is actually a blister that folds onto itself. A sealed clamshell can be one of the most protective types of packaging you can use for your products, as these lock out moisture and mold, are impact-resistant and highly tamper-proof.

No matter what type of blister packaging you might need, we can match you to an ideal blister plastic. Our design and production teams have worked extensively with most types of thermoform plastic and over the last 50+ years, we’ve designed blister packs for clients in a wide range of industries, including the specialty foods industry, medical & pharmaceutical industries, the electronics industry and for many retailers. Give us a call or fill out our quick contact form at any time to discuss your packaging needs.

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