Over the course of the last 50 years, we have designed a variety of blister packs for our clients. The blister pack is the ideal packaging for a wide variety of products, from medicines to small tools to office supplies and well beyond. Here are a few quick facts about blister packs and our services.
1. Blisters Packs Can Be Your Most Affordable Packaging Option
Thermoform plastics, which is what we use to create blister packs, are some of the world’s most affordable packaging materials. Using other types of materials can be quite costly, and thermoform plastics provide you with an easy way to reduce your packaging costs. Additionally, the light weight of these materials will lower your shipping and transportation costs.
2. Trap Blisters Are A Common Type Of Blister Pack
The blister pack is a versatile style of packaging with many options. For instance, you might want to place your product in a trap blister, which includes a piece of thermoplastic slightly larger than your product. After your product is placed in the blister cavity, the blister is “trapped” between two pieces of sturdy paperboard with a die cut that displays your product.
3. Face Seals Can Be An Economical Option
A face seal features a molded thermoform plastic front that fits over your product. This plastic is then sealed to a card. The plastic will surround the product, but not the entire surface of the card. You often see items such as lip balm, toothbrushes, glue sticks, lighters, cosmetics and other lightweight items in these type of blisters. This type of blister is often less expensive than other types of blister packaging, although, no matter what type of packaging you select, we do our best to stay within your budget, while providing you with the best possible packaging option.
4. Other Face Seal Options Are Available
In addition to the basic face seal blister pack, you also could opt for what is known as a full-face seal blister. With a basic face seal blister, the product is surrounded by plastic and sealed to the card, but the card is not entirely covered by the plastic. With a full-face seal blister pack, the plastic extends all the way to the edge of the paperboard, providing a bit of extra protection.
5. Clamshells Are An Option
When a blister pack folds onto itself via a hinge at one end, this is known as a clamshell package. These can be a great option for many products, providing a high level of security, from tampering as well as moisture. We can produce any size or shape of clamshell packaging you might need, and can provide several sealing options, as well. We also can create thermoform trays that fit perfectly into a clamshell package, and this can be a great option for a product with multiple parts. The cavities of the tray will fit each part perfectly, keeping it safe until it is purchased by a customer.
6. Blister Packs Can Be A Sustainable Choice
Because a blister pack often features a combination design that includes both thermoplastic as well as paperboard or pulp, we can reduce the amount of plastic needed for your packaging. Additionally, we often can use post-consumer grade materials to create your blister pack. Furthermore, our designers will work to create a package with little excess material, fitting over each part of your product perfectly. Keep in mind, that virtually all the materials we use at Indepak are recyclable, and consumers can simply place your package in their home recycling bin when they no longer need the packaging.
7. We Use A Variety Of Materials & Equipment
At Indepak, we can create your blister packaging using many different materials. Our facility includes multiple lines of high-speed thermoforming equipment, which is capable of processing materials such as PET, PETG, LDPE, PP, ABS and much more. This variety of equipment allows us to the meet the packaging needs of clients from many different industries. If you need a blister pack, give us a call today and we can get started on your unique project.