Consistently providing our customers with the highest value is Indepak’s focus. Delivering high-quality, custom thermoforming services requires high standards and effective processes throughout the Indepak Lifecycle. At Indepak, quality is everyone’s job. As a result, we’re proud of best-in-class quality scores from some of the most demanding customers in the world.
Quality assurance is a way of life from design to final delivery. Our ISO 9001:2015 certifications reflect our teams and processes, which maintain a quality focus that gets results in a sustainable way.
We accomplish these results by designing and using effective processes, documentation, training, sampling, testing, inspecting, and statistical process control (SPC), tied to reporting/tracking everything we do. The bottom line is that we deliver consistently to our customer’s specifications.
View certifications.
Indepak guarantees form, fit and function of your parts, every time we run them, according to agreed upon specifications.
Our Quality Poilcy
“At Indepak Inc. we accept responsibility for the complete satisfaction of our customers. Our objective is to deliver defect-free products and services on time, every time.”
“Indepak has set a very high standard for themselves, thus it’s hard to select ‘exceeds’ expectations because the standard is so high. We’re spoiled and expect it all of the time. I am nearly always very satisfied with results in every area.”
– Indepak Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey
“Indepak personnel will do anything necessary to support the Quality and Environmental Management Systems and keep the business running.”
– Joe Koretzky, UL Lead ISO Auditor
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