
Located in Portland, Oregon, Indepak essentially operates in the center of environmental innovation. We have been reducing, re-using and recycling long before it was popular or required. And, we go beyond ISO 14001:2015 requirements striving for a very low-waste operation in every part of the company. This approach makes sense for all stakeholders and assures that our company, customers, suppliers and community will be sustainable for the long-term.

Indepak’s Commitment to the Environment

Environmental Policy


“Indepak is concerned about the natural environment, the health and safety of our employees and the livability of our community. To this end we are committed to continuously striving to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment.”

We received environmental awards from the Gresham Great Recycler and Great Business Awards, honoring our efforts and commitment, benefiting our local community and beyond.

Benefits of Plastic Packaging


When you think about plastics, sustainability might not immediately spring to mind, but there are actually many benefits to using plastics.


  • Plastic containers can be designed to fit precisely around your product, eliminating the need for excess packaging materials. 
  • Certain packages like trap blisters reduce the overall amount of plastic needed for your packaging project.
  • Plastic packages can reduce food waste by keeping food products fresh for many days or weeks.
  • Because of their light weight, plastics materials cost less to transport – using fewer fossil fuels than heavier glass, aluminum and paper packaging.

Environmentally Friendly Materials


Not only are nearly all of the materials we use recyclable, but we mold packages and products in a wide variety of environmentally friendly materials.

  • Starch-based bioplastics (derived from renewable sources)
  • Post-consumer, recycled content instead of virgin plastic materials.

Furthermore, we are a registered user of the BOMcheck system and materials that we use are compliant with regulations such as REACH, RoHS and EICC.

Sustainability for Our People


Our sustainability goals are not limited to our products.  We continually emphasize and invest in the health, safety and wellness of our employees through benefit plans, work/life balance policies, ongoing training and by investing in family-enhancing seminars and workshops.

Not only has this led to a healthier, more productive workforce, but we have minimized lost-time accidents. Read more about the people and culture at Indepak Careers.

Sustainable Supply Chain


Supply chain management is another part of our sustainability commitment. We support this in multiple ways.

1) We ask our primary suppliers to sign corporate responsibility agreements such as the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition Code of Conduct.

2) Our suppliers are committed to following the REACH legislation from the European Chemical Agency.

3) We are continually researching new suppliers and materials to offer renewable and bio-based solutions to our customers.

Industry Terms



Commercial or industrial products (other than food or feed) that are composed in whole, or in significant part, of biological products, renewable agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and marine materials), or forestry materials. (Source: 2002 Farm Bill)


A renewable energy source derived from grasses, plants, algae, trees and organisms that can be converted into fuel, chemicals and polymers.

Bio-degradable Plastic

Plastic that undergoes biodegradation, a process in which degradation results from the action of naturally occurring micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and algae and is regulated by ASTM D6400.


Plastic that is biodegradable or has bio-based content or both.


Biodegradability that requires oxygen and UV light or heat to biodegrade.

Compostable Plastic

Plastic that undergoes degradation by biological processes during composting to yield CO2, water, inorganic compounds, and biomass at a rate consistent with other known compostable materials and leaves no visible, distinguishable or toxic residue within a 180 day period and is reported on a pass fail basis.

Degradable Plastic

Plastic designed to undergo a significant change in its chemical structure under specific environmental conditions, resulting in a loss of some properties that may be measured by standard test methods appropriate to the plastic and the application in a period of time that determines its classification.


The Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances.

Recycled Content

Under the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 16,part 260 (16 CFR 260) the FTC rules section 260 “A recycled content claim may be made only for materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream, either during the manufacturing process (pre-consumer), or after consumer use (post-consumer). To the extent the source of recycled content includes pre-consumer material, the manufacturer or advertiser must have substantiation for concluding that the pre-consumer material would otherwise have entered the solid waste stream.

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is customized to your specific needs.

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packaging tubes, clamshells,
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