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When you are getting ready to launch a new product or perhaps seeking to redesign the packaging of an existing product, there are many design elements to consider. We can create any size or shape of custom retail packaging that you might need, and our design team also can help you avoid many of these common retail packaging mistakes.

1. You Have Too Much Packaging

These days, consumers are environmentally-conscious. This means they don’t want to see an excess of packaging. Less is typically more when it comes to custom retail packaging, and creating a package design that limits waste is not just attractive to customers. Smaller packaging costs less because you are using a smaller amount of materials. In addition, you typically can fit more items into shipping boxes and the weight can be a bit lower, which can save you money.

At Indepak, we are committed to being a low-waste operation. This means that our design team creates custom retail packaging with as little excess packaging as possible. With custom thermoforming, we use large, thin sheets of plastic, and our careful design process ensures that we maximize the use of each sheet of plastic. Our goal is always to produce as little waste as possible, but any excess thermoplastics that are trimmed off will be recycled.

2. Your Packaging Materials Aren’t Strong Enough

When most people head out to the store and purchase a retail product, they avoid products with damaged packaging. Not only does damage retail packaging look unattractive to consumers, there’s always a chance that the product inside is damaged. With clear thermoplastic, consumers can look and ensure for themselves that the product is in good shape, but they still tend to avoid purchasing items if the packaging has been damaged in anyway.

Studies have shown that about 75% of consumers will bypass a damaged package and purchase a product with a pristine package instead, even if it’s obvious that the product inside is fine. It’s not hard to understand why consumers feel this way, particularly if the item is something that is given as a gift. This is why it’s so important to make sure that your custom retail packaging is strong enough to withstand the rigors of shipping as well as handling by the general public.

Even if you pay a bit more for materials, you will save money in the long run by opting for materials that are strong and sturdy. With a strong design, you won’t have to deal with the extra labor costs and shipping costs associated with product returns due to damaged packaging. Our design team can create custom retail packaging using many different types of thermoplastic. Many thermoplastics are highly durable as well as water-resistant and chemical-resistant, which can ensure your product’s safety.

3. Your Package Design Doesn’t Work

When it comes to retail packaging, the package design is a huge part of your success. For many products, a great design truly can make the difference between a consumer selecting your product or the product of a competitor. You need a simple, attractive, retail packaging design that instantly expresses to the consumer the most important information about your product. Your brand name also should be prominent on the package. If possible, stick with a similar style for your entire line of products, as this builds up your brand image. For instance, you might feature the same colors on all your package labels and feature the same graphics and fonts and type sizes. Consistency helps to improve your branding because customers begin to associate a specific design style with your product.

Our design team can provide you with a creative, attractive retail packaging design that will catch the consumer’s attention and display your product to its best advantage. Thermoplastic materialsare an excellent option for custom retail packaging as we can create virtually any shape of package, and consumers can easily see your product.

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