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One of the best things about thermoforming is the versatility. You can create virtually any size or shape of package, and you even can come up with a custom packaging design that fits perfectly around your product.

While creating an attractive custom packaging design is always important, there are other factors to consider when thinking about packaging designs. For instance, the size of your packaging affects your overall costs and not just for the packaging itself. If your package is quite a bit larger than your product, this will affect how many units you can fit into shipping boxes. Heavier materials also will cost you more money when it comes to shipping. Thermoplastic not only can be trimmed to fit your product exactly, it also is lightweight.

With custom thermoforming, we can create custom packaging designs that fit around your product precisely while still providing plenty of protection. A clamshell package, for instance, can be the perfect type of package to consider as this completely surrounds your product and can be sealed securely. Of course, we have plenty of other options depending on your product and needs. We can create thermoform trays, plastic containers with lids and much more.

Protecting your product is a huge consideration when thinking about custom packaging design, but creating attractive and informative label is also an important factor in custom packaging design. Generally this label will include your company logo and information about your product as well as catching the eye of customers.

When it comes to label design, a simple approach typically is the best way to go. If you create a custom packaging design that is too busy or cluttered, it can be difficult to reach potential customers with your message. Whether you are selling a food product, something electronic, hand lotion, toothpaste or a socket wrench, you need to have a label design that targets your specific audience. For instance, the label of a cereal targeted at children will look much different than one targeting adult women.

Knowing your audience really can help you create an impactful design. At Indepak, we can help you come up with a custom packaging design that not only protects your protect and helps you stay within your budget, we also create designs that are functional and aesthetically pleasing for consumers.

If you are ready to get started with your custom packaging design, give us a call today or send us an email. We have created custom thermoform packaging for virtually every industry, including retail companies, electronics companies, specialty food businesses, agricultural firms, industrial firms and many others.

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