When it comes to packaging, every industry has unique needs and the electronics industry is no exception. The team at Indepak has worked with many electronics firms throughout the years and we believe that thermoformed plastics are the ideal option for thermoformed packaging for electronics and there are several reasons why, including the following:
1. Thermoformed Packaging Protects Your Product
At Indepak, we work with thin-gauge thermoform plastics, but it would be wrong to assume that just because we use thin sheets of plastic, your product won’t be well-protected. Many thermoform plastics are highly impact resistant and moisture resistant. In addition, we offer many sealing options, to further insure that your product won’t be affected by moisture or tampering.
2. Thermoformed Plastics Keeps Static-Sensitive Products Safe
While keeping products safe from moisture, tampering and other types of damage is important, many electronic products have high static sensitivity. At Indepak, we work with a myriad of materials, from conductive to dissipative, to ensure that your static-sensitive products are well protected.
3. Thermoformed Packaging Is Versatile
Thermoformed plastic is an ideal option because we can craft electronics packaging that surrounds and protects your electronic parts or product exactly. For instance, you might consider having us design a thermoform tray with multiple cavities to hold individual components or parts. We also can create clamshells for each part and then package these clamshells in thermoformed trays. These are just a few of the options that might be considered as we design your thermoformed packaging for electronics.
4. Thermoform Electronic Packaging Is Affordable
Everyone loves saving money, and using thermoform plastics can help you stay within your packaging budget. Thermoplastics are some of the most affordable packaging materials available, and thermoform plastics also save you money because of their light weight. After all, lightweight packaging is cheaper to ship and shipping costs make up a huge portion of every manufacturer’s budget.
Additionally, we can anti-static packaging for electronics that perfectly and precisely surrounds your product, which eliminates packaging waste. You will be able to ship more units simply because we can create packaging that is as small as possible. Nearly all of the materials we use are recyclable, as well, so consumers should have no trouble recycling your packaging after they have purchased your product.
Computer Chips in Thermoformed Tray